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Dyck Mitchell

Dyck is the consummate professional, always smooth on the air.  He is loved by listeners and staff alike.  He is clever on the air.  No one would ever accuse him of being "dry". 

Brenda and Dyck are about to have a productive meeting.

Jimmy the Hipster

Without Jimmy, this station would be nowhere.  He is the only one keeping the station going.  His insights and knowledge of everything keeps the listeners tuning in.  He personally knows the top 50 indy bands, but you've probably never heard of them.  

Jimmy also has a knack for cracking the staff's passwords. Mwahahahaha!!!

Awkward Alan and Jackie

Keeping your day rollin' with Alan and Jackie.  These two never seem to run out of things to talk about.  The team is inseparable.  You can just feel the chemistry surrounding them.  

Alan & Jackie are closer than ever

Awkward Alan and Jackie

Keeping your day rollin' with Alan and Jackie.  These two never seem to run out of things to talk about.  The team is inseparable.  You can just feel the chemistry surrounding them.  

The Tony "Pepperoni" & Alex Show

Quick witted, highly entertaining, topical, creative, are just a few of the words that are never used to describe Tony & Alex.  

Tony & Alex learning how to use a microphone

Steve the Engineer

Although not technically an on-air jock, he ends up having more on-air shifts that no one knows about.  If not for him, the listeners would not know about all the best music that 1974 had to offer.  

© 2016 by Dummkopf Radio. An orginal series

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